The Floating Dream

In this academy project, we were tasked to create a playable platform level in one month in UE5. We were divided in groups or couples and had to follow these mandates:

– Main emotion: Ascension
– Golden path duration of maximum one minute
– Third Person
– Use of the deafult UE5 Mannequin

– No additional character mechanic other than jump and movement
– No NPC or enemy
– No interactive narrative elements

– Environment mechanics
– Environmental narrative


My partner and I started by writing a High Vision Document going through everything we wanted in the level. We aimed to create a relaxing experience in an oniric and peaceful world.

Our goal was to challenge ourselves by designing a level with a distinctive structure and flow. We chose to center traversal around a spiraling path encircling a windmill, creating a unique gameplay experience. While this approach presented design challenges, we embraced them and were ultimately satisfied with the outcome.

After that, we started to gather some references and put them all together.


The next step was to design the level layout using the mechanics we designed: moving platforms, rotating mills, bouncing platforms, and pistons.

While reasearching platform levels, we learned that the opening section plays a crucial role in onboarding the player; we ensured that the initial challenges allowed them to familiarize themselves with the controls and jump distances without excessive difficulty. We also aimed for a fair introduction to each mechanic, ensuring that the first encounter provided a learning opportunity rather than a punishing experience.

Metrics and Blockout

At this stage, we began dividing our tasks. While my partner focused on programming the environmental mechanics, I started refining the jumping distances and heights. To streamline the process, I created a dedicated gym level where I could test various jump configurations and evaluate their feel in gameplay. Once my partner finalized the mechanics, I integrated them into the gym and began testing them extensively to ensure fair, smooth, and responsive gameplay.

Once I was satisfied with the jump mechanics, I moved on to blocking out the second half of the level, while my partner worked on the first half. To ensure smooth and engaging gameplay, I meticulously tested jumps and traversal after every small adjustment.

Throughout the blockout process, we went through numerous iterations, and the final level evolved significantly from our initial layout. As we continued, we realized there wasn’t enough space to incorporate every mechanic we had planned. Because of that we made the decision to cut the bouncing platforms and their corresponding area from the level. That decision also allowed us to maintain a strong gameplay flow and to not overwhelm the player with too many mechanics.




@ 2025 – Simone Lazzarotto